Lily of the Valley III

In the post prior to this, Country Road, I mentioned that a painting had been sitting on my easel for months. This is that painting. I find myself struggling at times with values, edges, and negative painting. I am also a major sufferer of overworking syndrome. I am guilty of all of these things, both with the struggles and overworking in this piece. However, it … Continue reading Lily of the Valley III

Lessons from an Artist: Laurel Hart

There are many things that I don’t know how to do in painting. Progress is a slow beast, but it is steady and will get you as far as you want to go. It just takes a little nurturing. One source that I have recently found on Youtube is a series of watercolor demos/exercises in real time by accomplished fine artist Laurel Hart. She seems … Continue reading Lessons from an Artist: Laurel Hart

Getting to the Source: Liron Yanconsky

I have been steadily watching and learning and growing many different aspects of skill and general enjoyment in making various doodles, scribbles, and the occasional painting that helps me to recharge, reset, and just detoxify from all of the caustic aspects of life that tend to make me go a bit sour. It is a whole movement that always has been, I believe, but is … Continue reading Getting to the Source: Liron Yanconsky

Sketching Habits

I have spent the last few months trying to develop a better hand-eye-mind coordination to better transfer what I think things should look like to paper. The best example of this is on paper and here as excerpts from my sketchbook through time. I have been better with more regular practice, even when I was busy, as any good painting must start with good composition … Continue reading Sketching Habits

Single Line Sketching

Today is something of an interesting exercise, one that one of my favorite artists employs regularly during her sketching exercises (Brenda Swenson – really talented and diligent – check her out)(no, she doesn’t know who I am, and I receive nothing from this blatant endorsement). The single line doodle. Placing a pencil to paper and drawing something without ever lifting the tip from the surface. … Continue reading Single Line Sketching